Weights ยป

The Weights Node for Optimization is shown only for reactors where the Pressure is Controlled. Here, you may provide the weighting factors for the Pressure Control in each case. Larger weights for the pressure will result in better pressure control, however, REX may sacrifice the yield objective in order to achieve this. This behaviour can be tuned by adjusting both the pressure control weights and the yield weights to achieve the desired objective.

This grid is implemented similar to the Estimation → Weights node, where you may find more information.

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This action is used to compute the weighting factors automatically according to the selected error assumption in the Autogenerate Options Grid. The computed weights are shown in the Weights → Values
When Control Profiles is Off or when Control Profiles is On but pressure is not selected in the Control Profiles node, the weight for the controlled pressure is calculated based on the value for this variable in the Design Values node.
When Control Profiles is On and pressure is selected in the Control Profiles node as Specified, the weights values are obtained based on the pressure values entered in the Profiles Specify node.
When Control Profiles is On and pressure is selected in the Control Profiles node as Optimize, the weights values are obtained based on the pressure average values entered in the Profiles Bounds node.

Delete Marked History

This action is used to delete more than one modification at the same time.
  1. Select the modifications you wish to delete from the Weights Modification History grid by checking the the Mark column for these modifications.
  2. Execute the Delete Marked action.

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See Also: